March 08, 2008

bug/feature: Acid3 test, avoiding left-turns

I am usually pretty happy with my Firefox 2. Today I ran Acid3 test on it to discover that it scored 51% (failed...). The test includes 100 automated browser spec compatibility tests, that cover DOM structure and functionality, advanced CSS and other browser features that I am not familiar with. Try to run Acid3 on your browser.

What puzzles me is this: if Firefox scored 100% instead of 51%, would I be twice as happy with it?

Image source:


You know what it feels like waiting for the opposite lane to clear while making a left-turn, right? UPS added a feature to its navigation software to avoid left-turns as much as possible, leading to vast savings in time and money over their huge truck fleet.

I got this one from Slashdot, where the reporter speculated that this feature was probably devised by a grad-student instead of the traditional traveling agent problem...

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