But enough crying, got a bug and a feature to share.
See if you can spot the bug in this postcard (click to enlarge):

The ride I enjoyed most in Disney World was Epcot's "Test Track". It is simulating a General Motors test department, with loads of displays telling the story of automotive testing industry, and its silent heroes - the crash-test dummies. Among the things I enjoyed to see were test result cards, formatted as you would expect with test ID, test scenario, expected result, actual result, passed/failed, etc. - the entire story! I felt at home.
When you get to the actual ride, you sit in a car and participate in a test session directed by a test manager and a test engineer, that take you and the car through a series of challenges, including steep hills, extreme weather, emergency braking (with and without ABS) and extreme speed drive around the facility.
What more can a tester want? (hint: not to find real bugs in the ride :-#)